Rainbow Acupuncture Community Clinic was originally set up in Seaford in November 2020 in response to the second lockdown to reach out to all those in the community who were facing difficulties both physically and emotionally as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. When the British Acupuncture Council gave us the go ahead to continue practice during that lockdown I felt compelled to offer my skills to help those suffering from stress, anxiety, insomnia, substance abuse, chronic pain or any other emergency or health need.
From working with NHS staff when we established the Acupuncture for NHS project before the initial lockdown ended in June and my community clinic patients in Hove which re-opened July 2020, I saw first hand the impact the pandemic had on peoples mental health and how powerful and supportive acupuncture can during challenging times.
Unfortunately due to a change off use of our orignal premises the community clinic was forced to close but hopefully it will be re-opening in Spring 2024.